Get Homeowners’ Insurance Quotes Online

See If You Qualify for Lower Rates

As a homeowner, finding the right homeowners’ insurance quote is key to protecting your property and belongings. Price, coverage options, and customer service are all factors to be considered.

TrySmartly is your one-stop insurance resource, offering comprehensive information on homeowners’ insurance. We provide you with the resources to make smarter insurance decisions that could result in savings. Could you be saving on homeowners’ insurance? Find out now.

How to Shop for Homeowners’ Insurance

Homeowners’ insurance provides protection for your property and belongings. At TrySmartly, we believe the more informed you are, the better decisions you make to protect your valuable belongings. When shopping for some of the best homeowners’ insurance, here are some steps to follow:

Step 1: Choose Coverage Types

Choosing the right coverage type helps protect against unforeseen risks and financial burdens. It's important to assess your needs, understand policy details, and compare homeowners’ insurance quotes to make an informed decision that best suits your circumstances. Take a look to see which insurance types could be right for you:

Protects your home's structure from covered perils, such as fire, vandalism, and more.

Covers detached structures like garages, sheds, or fences.

Insures your belongings, including furniture, electronics, and clothing.

Provides funds for living expenses if your home becomes uninhabitable due to covered damage.

Safeguards you against legal claims if someone is injured on your property.

Covers medical expenses if someone is hurt on your property, regardless of fault.

Step 2: Add Additional Protection

Are you still looking for additional protection? If you have concerns beyond the basic coverages, consider these options:

If you reside in an area prone to floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes, consider adding this protection.

For valuable possessions like jewelry or art, consider extra coverage to ensure adequate protection.

Please note that these add-ons may incur additional costs, and availability may vary by insurance provider and geographic location.

Step 3: Compare Quotes and Providers for Homeowners’ Insurance

Before deciding which insurance policy to select, evaluate your options thoroughly. While it may be tempting to accept the first offer you find, compare homeowners’ insurance quotes and providers instead. This not only ensures you get coverage that suits your needs but also fits your budget.

Diversify Your Options: Consider gathering homeowners’ quotes from several insurance providers. This may allow you to compare offerings, taking into account the premium rates, coverage options, customer service, claims handling, and discounts.

Compare Coverage: In addition to homeowners’ coverage types, also consider coverage limits, exclusions, and additional coverage. This may make it more likely that the policy you select isn't just affordable but also aligns with your specific needs.

Assess Customer Experience: Beyond just the financial aspects, gauge the insurer's reputation in the industry. Dive deep into their track record for customer service and how they handle claims. Search ratings from third-party review sites like AM Best and J.D. Power.

Step 4: Get Discounts

When it comes to homeowners’ insurance quotes, there are often several avenues to tap into discounts, ensuring you receive comprehensive coverage without breaking the bank.

Consider consolidating your homeowners’ and auto insurance policies with a single provider. Bundle savings can range upwards of 20%, and such bundling can lead to notable reductions in your overall premium.

Insurance companies often reward homeowners who prioritize safety. By installing security systems, smoke detectors, or fire alarms, you not only ensure a safer home environment but also become eligible for potential discounts.

If you've historically maintained a claims-free or minimal claims record, it's time for it to pay off. Many insurers recognize and reward claims-free records by offering special discounts.

Compare Quotes for Homeowners’ Insurance

When you receive a homeowners’ insurance quote, it's key to assess it thoroughly to make an informed choice. Here are several factors to consider carefully:

Overall Price: Compare the total premium costs among different quotes for homeowners. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always provide the best coverage. Look for a balance between affordability and sufficient coverage.

Deductibles: A deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before insurance coverage kicks in. Higher deductibles generally lead to lower premiums. Understand how different deductible levels impact your policy and choose one that fits your budget and risk tolerance. Remember that you'll need to pay this amount if you make a claim, so consider what you can comfortably afford.

Discount Options: Inquire about available homeowners’ insurance discounts which can range from 5% to 25% on average for bundling home and auto policies. Installing security systems, fire alarms, or maintaining a claims-free history could lead to additional discounts of 5% to 20%, but savings vary based on factors like the insurer and your policy details.

Additional Coverage Options: Beyond the standard coverage options, inquire about add-on coverage for specific risks or high-value items. For example, if you live in an area prone to floods or earthquakes, ask about adding this coverage to your homeowners’ policy.

Policy Limits: Ensure that the coverage amounts are sufficient to rebuild your home, replace your belongings, and protect you against potential liability claims. Average dwelling coverage can range from $100,000 to $500,000, while personal property coverage often equals 50% to 70% of the dwelling limit. Liability coverage starts at around $100,000, and loss of use coverage is typically 20% to 30% of the dwelling limit.

Claim Process: Learn about the insurance company's claim process. Check how they handle claims, how quickly they respond, and their reputation for resolving claims fairly and efficiently.

Financial Stability: Verify the financial strength and stability of the homeowners’ insurance companies you're considering. A financially stable insurer may be better equipped to fulfill obligations and promptly pay claims.

Choose the Best Homeowners’ Insurance Company

At TrySmartly, we're here to provide you with expert guidance, time-saving tools, and resources for making smarter insurance decisions that could lead to savings. Here are some of the best homeowners’ insurance companies and their offerings:

Company Standard Coverage Add-On Options Discounts Average Annual Rates Ratings
  • Dwelling
  • Personal property
  • Liability
  • Loss of use
  • Water backup
  • Identity theft protection
  • Sport equipment
  • Electronic data recovery
  • Multi-policy bundling
  • Home security
  • Claims free
  • Welcome and loyalty
  • Responsible payment and pay-in-full
  • A.M. Best: A+
  • J.D. Power: 868/1,000
  • Dwelling
  • Personal property
  • Loss of use
  • Identity theft protection
  • Water backup
  • Valuables
  • Earthquake
  • Flood
  • Multi-policy bundling
  • Home security
  • Claims free
  • Gated community
  • A.M. Best: A+
  • J.D. Power: 884/1,000
  • Dwelling
  • Personal property
  • Liability
  • Loss of use
  • Water backup
  • Personal injury
  • Multi-policy bundling
  • Quote in advance
  • Home security
  • Pay in full
  • Roofing
  • A.M. Best: A+
  • J.D. Power: 851/1,000
State Farm
  • Dwelling
  • Personal property
  • Liability
  • Loss of use
  • Identity restoration
  • Umbrella insurance
  • Multi-policy building
  • Home security
  • Roofing
  • A.M. Best: A++
  • J.D. Power: 880/1,000

Get started now and see if you could lower your homeowners’ insurance rates.

What Will You Need to Get a Homeowners’ Insurance Quote?

To obtain a homeowners’ insurance quote, you will typically need to provide the following information to the insurance company through its online platform:

Personal Information: Providers will typically ask for your name, date of birth, Social Security number, and contact details.

Address and Property Information: You'll need to know the address of the property you want to insure, along with details about the type of property (e.g., single-family home, condo, townhouse), the construction materials, the age of the property, and the square footage.

Home Features: Information about any safety and security features in your home, such as smoke detectors, security alarms, fire extinguishers, or sprinkler systems.

Coverage Limits: Decide the coverage and limits you need, including dwelling, personal property, liability, and any additional optional coverages. Average coverage limits range from $100,000 to $500,000 for dwelling coverage, 50% to 70% of the dwelling limit for personal property, and around $100,000 to $500,000 for liability coverage.

Deductible Amount: Select a deductible amount that suits your comfort level, as it will impact your home insurance premium. Average deductible options range from $500 to $2,000 or more, with lower deductibles resulting in higher homeowners’ insurance premiums and higher deductibles leading to lower premiums.

Claims History: When obtaining insurance, be prepared to disclose your claims history, including the dates, types of claims, amounts claimed, and the insurance company's response.

Occupancy: Indicate whether the property will be your primary residence, a secondary residence, or a rental property.

Additional Policies: If you already have other insurance policies like auto insurance, you might be asked about bundling options for potential discounts.

Pets and Liabilities: Disclose information about your pets (if you have any) and any potential liability risks associated with them.

Credit Score: In some cases, insurance companies may use your credit score to determine your premium.

Average Rates for Homeowners’ Insurance

The average rates for homeowners’ insurance quotes can vary depending on the type of home, location, coverage type, additional add-on coverages, and available discounts.

That said, here are the average annual rates for popular insurance companies:

Note: USAA is only available to current and former military members and their families.

Frequently Asked Questions About Homeowners’ Insurance Quotes

Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or looking to switch insurance providers, you are bound to have some questions. Keep on reading for more insights and guidance into homeowners’ insurance.

Does Homeowners’ Insurance Cover Natural Disasters?

Yes, homeowners’ insurance typically covers certain natural disasters, such as fire, windstorms, hail, and lightning. However, coverage for events like floods, earthquakes, and sinkholes may require separate policies at an additional cost.

Is Homeowners’ Insurance Mandatory?

Homeowners’ insurance is generally not legally mandatory on a national level like auto insurance is in many places. However, if you have a mortgage on your home, your lender will likely require you to have homeowners’ insurance as a condition of the loan. This is to protect the lender's interest in the property in case of damage or loss.

Even if you own your home outright without a mortgage, having homeowners’ insurance is highly recommended. It provides valuable protection for your property, personal belongings, and liability in case of accidents or unforeseen events.

How Often Should I Review My Homeowners’ Insurance Policy?

Reviewing your homeowners’ insurance policy at least once a year is advisable. Regularly reviewing your policy allows you to ensure that it still meets your coverage needs and provides adequate protection for your home and belongings.

Here are some situations when you should consider reviewing your homeowners’ insurance policy:

  • Annual Renewal: Take the opportunity to review your policy each year when it is up for renewal. Check for any changes in coverage, premium amounts, or discounts.
  • Home Upgrades or Renovations: If you have made upgrades or renovations to your home, such as adding a new room or installing security features, you may need to adjust your coverage to reflect the increased value.
  • Changes in Personal Circumstances: Life events such as getting married, having children, or significant changes in your financial situation may warrant a review of your home insurance policy to ensure it aligns with your current needs.
  • Changes in Property Value: If property values in your area have significantly increased or decreased, you may want to adjust your coverage accordingly.
  • Changes in Insurance Needs: If you have acquired valuable items, such as jewelry or artwork, you may need to add additional coverage to protect these assets.

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